The latest episode of FeedCast is brought to you by James Barker, Laura Wildash and Jonathan Hanson from our Procurement Team. 

James introduces today’s podcast by mentioning how improved weather and the changes in the Argentinian government have caused movement in the Soya market. 

Jonathan discusses how the main fundamental that has been influencing the market is the weather in South America. They have had some good rains and it is continuing to look favourable in Argentina but also Brazil. This has then increased optimism for the crop. 

Moving onto mid proteins, Laura discusses the fact that Rapemeal is featuring in a lot of rations increasing demand for fixings and deliveries in the lead up to Christmas. Meaning that it is quite tight nearby, so if you need product it is going to be limited to what is actually available instead of following what the Soya market is doing. 

We still have great availability of Expeller from the Stratford area which could help with any last minute requirements if you are struggling to book Rapemeal. We are also continuing to see fantastic sales on NovaPro and Ensus Distillers. 

There has been a change in the wheat market off the back of China delaying their French contracts and instead looking to buy US wheats. Where we’d normally see a discount on Nov 24 wheat we are seeing a premium. 

Have a listen to hear the team talk more in-depth on these topics and what else is happening in the market!

As always get in touch with your sales representative or contact us in the office if you have any queries. 

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Please note: The information provided during this podcast has been prepared for general informational purposes only and does not constitute advice. The information must not be relied upon for any purpose and no representation or warranty is given as to its accuracy, completeness or otherwise. Any reference to other organisations, businesses or products during the podcast are not endorsements or recommendations of AB Agri or its affiliated companies. The views of the presenter are personal and may not be the views of AB Agri. The contents of this podcast are the copyright of AB Agri.