Saving Traditional Judo

"Judo was 'Westernized' sooner than the other Eastern Martial Arts when it became an Olympic sport. And it has been reduced to a “sport” ever since."

Kevin Cavalcanti is a Traditional Judo instructor and a respected member of the academia.  He has written many books on martial arts, and is referenced by many.

You can find more of his work at:

Where can you find his work:


The episodes associated with his book, 'The Tao of Judo" began because:

Spawned from Research of 1918 First Hand Account of Martial Arts
The Title the Tao of Judo intrigued me.

During this episode we will cover :

Why write the book
The Tao Influence interpreting Judo
Sport Judo vs Traditional Judo
Jigoro Kano : Founder of Judo

Mentioned in this Episode:

Paul Bowmen : Martial Myths

Ben Judkins : KungFu Tea

Iain Abernethy

Downloads Available in this episode:


And, Zen Judo Handbook, when you sign in at