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Joe Lindsley is a traveler and a writer. He once was protégé to Fox News founder Roger Ailes who directed much of the American national discourse, but then Lindsley escaped that frenzied realm where power mattered more than truth. On the road, he began to discover the goodness of the world. An alumnus of the Great Books program at the University of Notre Dame, he is portrayed by actor Emory Cohen in the 2019 Showtime series The Loudest Voice. When Anthony Bourdain died, Lindsley took off on a one-way flight to Budapest and has been traveling ever since, gathering stories and looking for better ways to share them with the world to further the cause of authentic, free, and collaborative discourse.

He came to Lviv for a Ukrainian Catholic University journalism conference on Information Overload, AI, and Responsibility. Then the Coronavirus shut down world travel, and he stayed to build a better vision for media.