Our children are becoming increasingly depressed with the world around us, and Harriet Shugarman – Executive Director of ClimateMama, professor of Global Climate Change Policy and World Sustainability, and Chair of the Climate Reality Project (NYC), helps parents explain the climate crisis to their kids, overcome overwhelming fear, and find hope to galvanize positive action.

Here's a recent article about Covid & Climate change and a list of pieces about Shugarman:

How to support your children in turning climate angst into climate action Open Democracy

How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change Without Scaring Them Global News

Why the Peoples Climate March Mattered Climate Reality

One Community at a Time Boulder Weekly

Why I March, Building Climate Hope, ClimateMama

Action, Hope and Optimism, Climate Change, Global Moms Challenge

Moms Matter in the Fight Against Climate Change The White House

From Mother to ClimateMama Climate Reality

The Climate Change Revolution Begins with You MSNBC

2020 #NYCclimatehero, The Human Impacts Institute

Building grit and hope in the face of the climate emergency

In her illuminating new book How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change, Harriet Shugarman provides a comprehensive description of the climate crisis, how to communicate it to the children in your life, and how you can work together to be part of its solutions. It’s work like this book that makes me so incredibly inspired by, and proud of, our global network of Climate Reality Leaders.--Al Gore

With catastrophic global warming already baked into the climate system, today's children face a future entirely unlike that of their parents. How can we maintain hope and make a difference in the face of overwhelming evidence of the climate crisis?

Help is at hand from a reliable expert and one of the most trusted advisors to parents, Harriet Shugarman – Executive Director of ClimateMama, professor of Global Climate Change Policy and World Sustainability, and Chair of the Climate Reality Project. How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change provides tools and strategies for parents to explain the climate emergency to their children and galvanize positive action. Coverage includes: