Based on a true story, a sheltered little girl spends an unnerving afternoon with her estranged father and is left with only her imagination to stop time and escape impending disaster.

“Five and a Half,” an unsettling drama about a little girl on an afternoon drive with her ex-con father, will make its West Coast premiere at this year’s Dances With Films (DWF) Festival, June 22-July 2, 2023 at the TCL Chinese 6 Theatres in Hollywood.

Based on a true story, writer-director Heidi Nyburg and producer Kristin Higgins evoke a heightened sense of peril for little Abbie (Lauren Jude Rosa) as her mother Jess (Katherine Cozumel) reluctantly gives her just-paroled husband Chuck (James Hal Hardy) permission to take Abbie for an afternoon. As the two set off in a red convertible, there is an uneasiness that surfaces and increases as we see that Chuck is not a responsible parent. Little Abbie must utilize her own imagination and grit to survive this ill-fated outing.
