Your Body is Speaking to You, It's Time to Learn the Language to Answer!

Discover what your body is trying to tell you about reaching your highest health! Healing Ourselves Whole gives you the tools needed to clean your emotional house from top to bottom. This groundbreaking process contains meditations and exercises that will help you dig deep into past trauma to discover when and how it took root, but most importantly how to release it!

Get in touch with various parts of the physical and energy body, and learn how identify, and let go of stored traumas while rediscovering the deeply held happiness that is also stored within your body. From this empowering space, you will learn to live from a new mindful way of being.

As a trained body worker, Emily Francis offers a refreshing perspective into healing trauma. She reveals unique knowledge of the body as a holder for memory. Emily will lead you on a path deep within yourself to rearrange the ways that pain and trauma have been holding you back from whole body, mind, spirit, and energy healing.

Learn the process of rearranging the dialogue within the body memory systems as well as a practice to healing your past self, and come into the present to create your best possible life.

"Emily has developed a vernacular for healing that our body tissues speak which allows us to excise the chronic wounds of pain, traumas, and guilt. This book will help you undo what has perhaps been the cause of your chronic physical or mental pain". - Roberto Tostado M.D., author of WTF (What the Food) is Wrong with Our Health?