When you were eight, what did you think being a “grown up” was? Ice cream for breakfast (obviously). Freedom, choice, bean bags for couches. Brad Montague, founder of Kid President and author of Becoming Better Grownups: Rediscovering What Matters and Remembering to Fly, once said, if we all became the grown-ups we wanted to be, the world would be full of astronauts and ballerinas. Instead, it is full of overworked, unhappy grownups. Somehow we lost that thrill of possibility. By becoming grownups, we lost everything we thought becoming a grownup meant.

Brad is the genius director and producer behind the Kid President series. He is an artist, speaker, creator, man of wonder (check out his IG page). In his new book, he explores what it means to be an adult: not the tired, distracted, cynical adult who is worrying about the food pyramid or getting the inbox cleaned out before the close of the business day…but the adult we wanted to be when we were kids. He thinks we’ve lost our child-like wonder. We no longer see mistakes as opportunities to improve; we get discouraged when we fail rather than laugh and try again. We have let anxiety get in the way of possibility. We look at our phones rather than the people and the world around us. We aren’t playful enough or kind enough.