Bay Area author Lise Pearlman, has recently written a stunning new biography of prisoner rights activist and Fay Stender, Call Me Phaedra (Regent Press, June 5).
Fay’s story as a fighter for the rights of black prisoners is especially relevant in today’s political turmoil, and Lise is an award-winning author, accomplished lecturer, trail-blazing lawyer, and nationally recognized civil rights historian.

Call Me Phaedra: The Life and Times of Movement Lawyer Fay Stender provides an inside view of activism during the McCarthy Era, the Civil Rights Movement, Free Speech Era, the rise of
black power, and the Women’s Rights Movement. It chronicles the extraordinary life and career of Fay Stender, focused particularly on her work as a rare female criminal defense lawyer and
ground-breaking prisoners’ rights advocate. The book focuses on Stender’s achievements and challenges representing two black revolutionary clients.