400 FRIENDS AND NO ONE TO CALL: Breaking Through Isolation and Building Community (a Central Recovery Press paperback, on sale March 26, 2020).

In this candid and comforting guide for isolating times, Walker explains how she found herself stranded and alone after major surgery when none of her friends showed up to help her. As a professional rehabilitation counselor, she was too embarrassed to reveal how utterly isolated she was by asking someone for help. As she recovered, Val found her voice and developed a plan of action for people who lack social support, not only to heal from the pain of isolation, but to create a solid strategy for rebuilding a sense of community.

Drawing on both her own experience as well as the accounts of others who overcame their own isolating ordeals, Walker compassionately yet realistically shows us how to break through our isolation by befriending our wider community, building a social safety net, and fostering our sense of belonging.