Gary Springfield is a Gifted Teacher, Intuitive and Visionary. He teaches how to create balance in our lives in these hectic times by showing us a simple way to ground and open ourselves to the Golden Healing Light. Gary has over 25 years of research into the higher consciousness and the perfecting of spiritual harmony. Through his reading of auras and through his workshops and lectures, he has proven the dedication of his healing and teaching ministry in assisting others on their personal journey towards enlightenment.

The two key tools in his work are the Golden Light Meditation and the emotional clearing process. These tools provide the powerful framework needed to improve all areas of your life. The framework will unify the spiritual and mental planes of consciousness and integrate them into the emotional and physical planes. This creates the mystical marriage between masculine power and feminine love, which is the essence of Divine Alchemy. Once you have achieved this Divine Union between spirit and matter you will manifest unlimited prosperity, health, love and joy with effortless ease.

Please, explore this web site to learn more about auras and the Golden Light Mediation Techniques. The links will take you to the listing of the scheduled workshops and lectures that Gary will be conducting and to the tapes and other written material Gary has also made available based on his lectures.