With President Biden’s Tuesday deadline to withdraw from Afghanistan looming, new polling from ABC News and Ipsos there is overwhelming bipartisan support for keeping U.S. troops in the country until all Americans and Afghans who aided the United States during the 20-year war have been evacuated. More than 8 in 10 (84%) Americans think U.S. troops should remain in the country until all Americans are evacuated, and just over 7 in 10 (71%) think they should stay until all Afghans who helped the United States are evacuated as well. The attitude cuts across party lines – a rarity in today’s political landscape – with overwhelming majorities of Republicans, Democrats and independents supporting a deadline extension. Fewer than 4 in 10 Americans approving of the president’s handling of Afghanistan. How can the Biden administration evacuate all US citizens while also sticking to that August 31st deadline? Steve brings you his analysis.