You might remember the jump-rope rhyme “Rich man, poor man beggar man thief, doctor lawyer, indian chief” and regular listeners to Word By Word: Conversations With Writers know that host Gil Mansergh has interviewed writers who who are rich and poor, who beg and steal, heal people, defend people and serve as Chairman of a local Native American tribe.

But, Gil has never had a celebrity chef as his guest… Until today.

The conversation is with Cat Cora the first (and only) female Iron Chef, America and author of her very frank autobiography Cooking As Fast As I Can: A Chef’s Story of Family, Food and Forgiveness.

Cat and Gil discuss an amazingly varied array of topics centered around the world famous chef's life including what the world was like growing up in the south in the 70's and 80's, kissing a girl (and liking it), coping with sexual urges by keeping "overly busy," "coming out" to you mom and dad, reconnecting with your birth mother, having Julia Child change your life at a book signing, discovering your career path on a Greek island, battling inner demons, what the constant challenge of being the first female Iron Chef.