Before listening to this 2017 holiday gift books edition of Word By Word: Conversations With Writers, host Gil Mansergh wants to remind everyone that this is a very important year to include books as gifts.

Immediately following the firestorm that engulfed much of Sonoma County, Gil had survivors living and eating at his house. Since several rooms are lined with book shelves, he would often find them reading the titles and pulling down a personal favorite. “I love this book,” they would tell him. “It was in the den on the left side of the shelf, only mine had a blue cover.”

The point of this, is that books are important to us—and especially to fire survivors. They can be touchstones to the past—as well as harbingers of new beginnings.

So, what do outdoor sculpture creator Andy Goldsworthy, Presidents Grant and Obama, Philip Pullman’s prequel to his Golden Compass novels, a gigantic coffee table book of animal portraits, and a disaster which results in a sofware engineer having to keep a sourdough starter alive and happy by playing music have in common? These fascinating titles are all included among the gift books Gil talks about with Sheryl Cotleur, Michelle Bellah, the book buyers for the Copperfield’s Bookstores.