Well I think Bruce and I were in fine form this time. Our segment on Cottage Cheese finally aired on Cottage Life TV so that's our seven minutes of fame. We are going to have to do one more show and a commercial if we are going to get to 15 minutes.

The snow has been so heavy this winter that it tore the snow guards off the new steel roof.

Its black fly season again and they are swarming like mad this year. Either Deb is going to have to sacrifice herself to them or we need ten pounds of rotting flesh. We also poked some good fun at the proverbial red neck.

Our beer of the day is from Barnstorer Brewery in Barrie. It'sDeadstick Milk Stout. A sweet milk stout that tastes of roasted coffee and dark choc0late.. You can find more info at Barnstorer Brewery