In this episode, we speak with Pluto in Sagittarius native Vivika Sweiven Crawford to discuss the Pluto generations — and especially how the older gens might step up as allies.

We focused our conversation on the three Pluto generations present on the call: Libra (represented by Jasmine and Kestrel), Scorpio (Eliza) and of course Pluto in Sagittarius, the generation grown on Internet and sass. They're the TikTok teens who tanked Trump's Tulsa rally, the young folk who are generally more progressive, uncompromising, and demanding we do better.

We gathered to understand what we might learn from each other, and crucially — how the older generations might help.

For more on Vivika:

For more on Jasmine and Eliza, or to book a reading, head to

For more on Kestrel:

For our YouTube channel, which has different content:

For further reading*

Pluto: the Evolutionary Journey of the Soul by Jeff Green
Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark by Bernadette Brady

*we encourage you to request these books at your local independent bookstore!

For further information:

The Magic of the Spheres Podcast with Sabrina Monarch (especially her conversations with Kirah Tabourn and Jaliessa Sipress