In this episode, we speak to writer, educator and dream coach Steven Kampmann. 

This chat was a wild and wending ride… we cover such topics as Carl Jung, healing through dreams, Steven’s journey with Parkinson’s (and how it’s impacted his dreams), the anima vs. the animus, archetypes and shadow. (And so much more, honestly!) 

For more on Steven, his dreams course, or to listen to his podcast, check out:

For more on Jasmine, Kestrel and Eliza:

For more information on the books or topics we discussed:

Goodbye Parkinson’s, Hello Life! By Alex Kerten and David Brinn

Demien by Hermann Hesse

Jung on Astrology by Safron Rossi

I am That by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

The Great (Hulu series)

The poems of Mary Oliver

Meditation with Sam Harris