Next Episode: Weinstein + LILITH

From the Akkadian word lilitu ("of the night") Lilith has been called: Adam's first wife, the serpent in the Garden of Eden, Inanna's handmaiden, a night-demon, a succubus, "the dark feminine," a bitch and a witch. If you have been slut-shamed, if you've called out abuse, if you've been named too loud or too angry or too anything: Lilith has been your ally.

In this episode, Jasmine and Eliza speak with psychotherapist Kestrel Neathawk about how to own your rage and your fear (among other emotions), and how to metabolize these feelings constructively.

Note: we recorded this episode in January 2020. The phrase "self-isolation," which comes up in the conversation, packs extra weight now, which we lacked the prescience to acknowledge...

For more on Jasmine and Eliza, head to For more on Kestrel:

For further reading and listening (i.e. books and podcasts we mentioned in the show):

- In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness by Peter Levine
- The Body Keeps the Score:  Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk
- The Whole-Brain Child by Dr. Dan Siegel
- The Medicine Path Podcast by Brian James
- The Numinous Podcast by Carmen Spagnola
- Missing Witches Podcast and Ipsita Roy Chakraverti
- Meditation: Waking Up app by Sam Harris