KoreanAmericanHeritage.com presents an old episode from the ITJK podcast days with this extraordinary couple the Hurs. Like this episode I plan to upload good episodes that provide a service to our community in learning more of our narrative.

This episode we are join by people who run ReconciliAsian Sue Park-Hur and Hyun Hur. Who are doing amazing work and "carry the conviction that the center of the gospel is the message of peace and reconciliation.  Recognizing Jesus’ ministry as one of peacemaking and desiring to follow the way of Jesus in community, ReconciliAsian aims to educate and promote the culture of peacemaking and reconciliation within the Korean community through the church." We talk about the current KA church community and more about the history of ReconciliAsian and connect their work with what Dosan did as well. It was an honor to learn about such a couple and their great goal for peace making.

Please find ReconciliAsian at http://www.reconciliasian.com/  and help support. https://www.facebook.com/reconciliasian/ 

KAHP Intro music credited to Ban-Jang Kim of Windy City.
KAHP Logo designed by Minsoo Kim.

Please contact [email protected] for any questions.