This episode of Kol Cambridge showcases a curated selection of music that has emerged amidst these challenging times. DJ Antithesis delves into the songs that serve as a source of solace and resilience, and those offering a musical remedy to navigate through days of adversity and loss.



Ani Po Levad – Shir Zoaretz

Tirkedi – Osher Cohen

Tachzor – Idan Raichel & Roni Daloumi

Choref 23 – Odeya & EZ

Prayer for the IDF – Shai Abrahmson

Al Telech Achshav – Aviv Levi

HaBalada L’Mechakot – Narkis

Ke’ev shel Lochamim – The Revivo Project

Miklat LaNefesh – Roni Vaknin

Shibolim – Adar Gold & Asi Stav

Yamim Acherim – Harel Skaat

Moledet – Chanan Ben Ari

Tirkod LaNetzach – Omer Adam & Infected Mushroom

Walak Mi – Lior Narkis

Am Yisrael Chai – Eyal Golan