We attempt the remarkable feat of marking all of Israel’s national holidays (which take place within a week of each other) in one music show. We’ll remember the Shoah and Israel’s fallen soldiers, before going into party mode for Yom Haatzmaut (with some big new songs in the mix including the latest release from Stephane Legare).


Halicha L’Caesarea - HaGevatron

Ponar - Tzila Dagan

Avak v’Afar - Yehuda Poliker

Ima Sheli - Noa Kirel

Bab el Wad - Shoshana Damari

D’maot shel Malachim - Fourteen Octaves

Choref 73 - Lehakat Chinuch Meyuchad

K’she’tavo - Boaz Sharabi

Yom Huledet - Stephane Legar & Ofek HaMalach

Ein Li Eretz Acheret - Daniel Sa’adon

Eretz Ahuva - Subliminal ft Shlomi Shabat

Chagiga B’Yisrael - Lior Narkis & Dudu Aharon

Yisrael - Eyal Golan

Hatikvah - Tipex ft Sarit Hadad