With the support of our first ever Rothschild patrons, we’re able to bring you a special bonus episode this month where we take a look at contemporary Israeli music that’s been inspired by ancient Jewish sources.


Yom Hashishi – Omer Adam Kol HaNachalim Zormim LaYam – Ahavat HaAretz MiMa’amakim – Idan Raichel VaDavid Yefe Einayim – A-WA Goliat – Kaveret Yechezkel – HaChalonot HaG’vohim Shir HaMaalot – Sheva Yitgadal V’Yitkadash – Haim Israel Shema Yisrael – Sarit Hadad Ochila – Ishay Ribo Nafshi – Ishay Ribo & Motty Steimetz Seder Ha’Avoda – Ishay Ribo