Kol Cambridge returns with a great selection of the hottest and newest Israeli tunes, together with all your favorite classics and Jewish sounds. Featuring brand new releases from Yishai Levi, Dudu Aharon, Lior Farchi and many many more.


Ein La - Amos Elgali
Maami Sheli - Lior Farchi
Bereishit Bara Elokim - Yishai Levi
Veim Hayinu Yachad - Dudu Aharon
Karov Eleicha - Shai Hamber
SofShavua - Yoni Poliker
Michtav shel Stav - Yehoram Gaon
Machrozet Cafe Shachur - HaParlament
Shir Eresh 1969 - Alexandra
Stam Yom shel Chol - Shimon Israeli
Al Haderech - Ilana Robina
Da MeAyin Bata - Groove Knaani
Ose Shalom Bimromav - Chayim Laruz & Alon Amnanu