As you've come to expect, DJ Antithesis brings you all the big tunes coming out of Israel. Today we take a deeper look at the new Idan Raichel album, and there are new releases from Eden Ben Zaken, Shlomo Artzi, Kobi Peretz, and many more!

Alabina - Eden Ben Zaken
Nosim Daroma - Kobi Peretz
Malkat Hair - Lidor Yosefi
Alufa BeMischakim Remix - Itzik Kala
HaYad HaChama - Idan Raichel
Delet Mistovevet - Idan Raichel
Maagalim - Idan Raichel
Sheshet Alafim Mile - Lior Narkis
Yesh Bi Ahava - Noa Kirel
Yeladim shel Machar - Boy Band
Machrozet Mearbevet - Shai Sharabi
Machal Nafshi - Shlomo Artzi & Dikla
Gitara - Shalom Chanoch
Michtam LeDavid - Shai Amar