All the big tunes and new releases to get you into the mood for Purim! We also have a feature on the new Maor Edri album and some great Purim classics to finish up the show

Bekarov Etzlecha - EZ
Kacha at Ohevet - Gal Sinouani
Tatchili L'Hitorer Remix - Roi Sandler & Alon De Loco
Etzlenu BaDira - Doron Meron & Kobi Shem Tov
HaShir SheHi Ohevet - Maor Edri
My Name Is - Maor Edri
Ketzev - Maor Edri
Laila Meshuga - Maor Edri
Pegisha Iveret - Nisim Kadosh
Don Juan - Tal Balu
Chamishi Higia - Natanel Peri
Niklatet (Remix) - Yishai Levi
Purim Song - The Maccabeats
Al Hanisim - Izhar Cohen