We LOVE Purim on Kol Cambridge. It's probably the most grand festival to experience in Israel. To get in the mood, DJ Antithesis brings you some great new releases and a healthy dose of classic Purim songs.

Zahav - Statik & Ben-el Tavori
Dale Dale - Ron Nesher ft Idan Vana
Daf Chadash - Ro'i Sendler
Im Zo Ahava - Daniel Yafe
Plato - Peled
Maale - Balulu ft Tzemer
Ad Meuchar - Epsilon
HaIzun HaMuchlat - Tal Blumenthal ft Amit Sagi
Al HaNisim - Izhar Cohen
Haman, Haman, Hey Man! - Pizmon
LaYehudim - Mordechai Ben David
Al HaNisim - Gad Elbaz with Naftali Kalfa & Ari Lesser
Chag Purim
Ani Purim
V'Mordechai Yatza