Kol Cambridge brings you the biggest new releases this week including new tracks from Eve & Lear (be sure to dig into the controversy surrounding their new song), The Revivo Project, Avraham Tal and many many more!

Maktub - Eve & Lear
Kmo Shir B'Mizrachit - Gal & Avi Sinouani
Rokedet - Snir Cohen
Mesiba Gdola - The Revivo Project
Ad Or SheYaale - Avraham Tal & Infected Mushroom
Boet Kmo Mesi - Lior Farchi
HaLev HaMushlam - Shar-el
Dubi Gal - Ron Nesher, Static & Ben-el Tavori
BeZochri Yamim Yamima - Tzlilei HaOud
Meir V'Haon - Kaveret
VeOtach - Mati Caspi
Ki Eshmera Shabat - Lior Elmaliach
Nagila Haleluya - Lior Elmaliach
Azamer BeShabachin - Lior Elmaliach