DJ Antithesis brings you the biggest tunes of 2017, just as you like them - including new releases from Subliminal, Regev Hod, Sharif and many more!

Tzoakim La - Regev Hod
Briut V'Ahava - Matanel
L'hitpotzetz - Daniel
Yom Gadol - Subliminal & Chezi Shaked
Yalla Chatuna Medley - Sharif
Sason V'Simcha - Ro'i Edri
Zanzibar - Talisman
Od Yom - Kafe Shachor Chazak
Eize Chom - Tvika Brend & 242 ft Tchutchik, Keren Krispil & Vitaly
Yalla Chagiga - Yigal Ginat
A Million Years - Nissim & Yisroel Taub
Shuva - Avraham Fried
V'Yedu Ki Ata - Yonatan Razael