Today Kol Cambridge brings you amazing new tracks from Subliminal, Kobi Peretz, Moshe Peretz, the Revivo Project, and many many more. And as if that's not enough, we get you in the mood for next week's Lag B'Omer celebrations with some appropriate tunes at the end of the show.



HaChalom Shel Kol Gever (Mizrachi Remix) - Subliminal

Hakol BeKef - Kobi Peretz

Gam Im HaOlam Yithapech - Moshe Peretz

Yom SheOver - Lior Narkis

Od Yom Over - The Revivo Project

Sarit Hadad Medley - Meir Alpi

Matok KsheMarley - Eliad

Shetach Esh - Harel Moyal

At Kol MaSheyesh - Shlomi Shabat

Bar Yochai - Oneg Shabat

Chag HaEsh

Shir VaZemer Yesh

Kshatenu Al Shichmenu

Bar Kochba