Summer is here! Kol Cambridge celebrates with some of the tunes that are destined to be the anthems of the Israeli summer, with a special feature on a spate of recent tracks dedicated to the Tel Aviv lifestyle. Brand new music from Kobi Peretz, Peer Tasi, Sarit Hadad, Ehud Banai, Ariel Zilber, and many more!

There's a change of pace at the end of the show as we mark the upcoming Tisha Be'av commemoration.



Feel the Magic - Kobi Peretz

Yihiye Beseder - Cafe Shachor Chazak & Nechi Nech

Kirkas - Sarit Hadad & Arisa

Margish B'Mexico - Shaked Komemi & HaUltras

Mashke Yakar - Peer Tasi

My Name Is - Maor Edri

Reichot shel Alcohol - Lior Narkis

Malkat HaShoshanim - Eden Ben Zaken

Levadi Bevadai - Ehud Banai

Holech Li Hafuch - Peter Roth

Lean Panta Ahavateinu - Ariel Zilber

Gedalia Reva Ish - Daklon & Sagiv Cohen

Yibaneh - The Moshav Band

L'Mikdoshech - Shlomo Carlebach

Im Eshkachech - Shlomo Carlebach