Previous Episode: Shedd - 3-29-11
Next Episode: Hello St. Louis

We visited one of the local DuPage forest preserves on Thursday. Oldfield Oaks had a nice 1.1 mile trail. There was a 0.7 mile spur but the kids didn't want to do the extra walking.
It wasn't too far from home and the weather was pretty nice. Sunny with little wind.

So we headed off into the wild with our new walking stick in hand. Even though we were bundled up it still was really nice outside. It started as a paved trail and then changed into a well maintained dirt trail. Many trees were cut down recently. I'm not sure if it is from the Emeral Ash Borer or not.

We came across this tree which we named "4-Fingers". We talked about how trees sometimes bend because they are in the shade of another tree so in order to get sunlight they need to change the direction they are growing.

This tree looks like a box or a t.v. The top branch actually broke and part of it is hanging down to create the box image. Then another little branch is sticking out in the middle on the right to make it look like a "G".

After the hike we went down the road a block and were in search of a Geocache. It is like a world wide scavenger hunt. People hide things and then put the GPS coordinates on the website They are all over the place and we have found about 6-8 so far. You sign the log inside and some even have stuff inside you can take... as long as you leave something to replace it. If you look hard in this picture you can see the brown lid underneath the brush.

Thanks again for reading.