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Today we are looking to have a focused and helpful guide put out to our listeners. Many of you will be attending one or more “Farewell to Rathe” events that are coming up, and because of the growth Flesh and Blood has seen you may not have as much familiarity / experience with Flesh and Blood’s first ever set, especially in limited play. Fear not though, Drayton and I have you covered.

Today’s format will consist of myself (Adam R) presenting my WtR draft list covering cards that fit early/pack 1 pick one type picks, and then diving into a more established draft list for when you have your class nailed down and your signals read. Drayton will lend his considerable expertise (currently ranked ~5th in the world for limited play) in explanations of how cards are useful/potential synergies as well as letting me know where he thinks I’m just wrong (in what I include/don’t include, or just if I’m “overvaluing” a card in the rankings).

It’s important to say that when I made these lists, I intentionally left out many cards in the S/M/L rarities. For a few reasons, but most of them fall into the “autopick” category especially if you’ve already chosen a class, but in many cases it’s worth drafting them to deny your opponents.

1. Cover the “Autopick” list 

2. Cover the Pack 1 Pick 1 / Early Draft Order Lists 

Class Cards Second

3. Warrior Class Draft

These picks really focus on a very aggressive strategy that intends to swing a buffed Dawnblade each turn. Warrior can go wide in limited and that focuses on the drafting of additional Driving Blade/Biting Blade/Blue Resources, but this is a more difficult build.

4. Brute Class Draft

These picks focus on a single buffed attack per turn build, and heavily drafts/utilizes yellows to balance Brute’s high, but average 2 cost cards and their need for 6 strength. Brute can go wider, but really needs to many key cards to setup anything outside of aggression/romping club control.

5. Ninja Class Draft

This primarily focuses on a solid defensive/attrition build with some burst combo setups. Overall, my recommendation on combo lines centers heavily on the leg tap line, but a dual build with the Head Jab line and red Open the Center’s as solid dominated finishers is possible.

6. Guardian Class Draft

This also focuses on a defensive/control style build that intends to consistently attack with Anothos and setup 1-2 big, dominated swings per game. I believe it’s the easiest to play effectively as long as you’ve drafted enough blue/defensive cards.
