- We wanted to keep this episode focused so we won’t have any featured card today. The tier list will be set as of the November 2021 pool of heroes including everything up to Tales of Aria and with no living legends bans.

First off what’s a tier list, what’s our philosophy on placement, and how will we define each level?
Heroes will be placed based on their overall card pool as currently available and include all current/potential builds vs just those currently utilized in the meta. Because of this, heroes with multiple competitive builds will place higher especially if those builds have different counterplay.
S Tier – Exceptional heroes that truly stand above the rest of the pack. These heroes will all have multiple builds that can/could win in competitive play, no hard counters, and be effective even in less experienced hands.
A Tier – Very competitive heroes that can top cut/win at a competitive level. These heroes will have more counters, or less flexibility than those in the S tier meaning meta calls/matchups will have a slightly higher importance in their final placing. This can include heroes that require an extraordinarily high skill level compared to those in the S tier, but perform at the same level.
B Tier – Competitive heroes that can top cut, but are less likely to take home a final, at least with any regularity. These heroes have more counters, and are more reliant on their meta calls/matchups than the heroes above them.
C Tier – Low end heroes. These heroes can/will win games especially if piloted well, but have very little chance in making a top cut at larger events, and even less of winning the event. Heroes with singular builds, or overly reliant gameplans.
D Tier – Poor heroes, either reliant on greater RNG or mechanics that just can’t keep up with the remainder of the pack.

Heroes Included:
