Quick. Name five successful fighters not based in or from large metropolitan areas. Actually there are quite a few, so if you couldn't name any... Well, let's just say you're making a good call listening to the best boxing history podcast around.

From Virgil Hill to Bob Foster, many fighters became famous or gained a following despite hailing from small towns, or even just places one wouldn't normally associated with boxing. Even Terence Crawford, who fights Dierry Jean this weekend on HBO, is from Omaha, Nebraska. While the Midwest has indeed produced many great fighters, Nebraska isn't exactly a hotbed, yet Crawford has built a respectable following. See what we mean?

This week on the boxing history edition of Top Men, Aris Pina of Compubox and The Fight City's Patrick Connor run down the list of these small town or out-of-the-way fighters.

On Twitter... Aris Pina: @PunchZoneAris - Patrick Connor: @PatrickMConnor

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