After mentioning the word ”culture” approximately a million times throughout the season, it's finally time to dedicate an entire episode to corporate culture. And since both Henrik and William are somewhat obsessed with collaboration, the focus is pretty obvious: How do you foster a collaborative culture within you team, workspace, or company?

Throughout this highly cultivating episode (pun intended), William shares an anecdote from a former workplace, raises the curtain behind the fluffy word ”collaboration”, and talks about a new experiment doing a mob session challenge instead of a traditional code challenge after interviewing a couple of candidates for recruitment. Also, he reveals that he was almost pissed-off at Henrik after the pair's first few interactions.

”There were no Jiras. I was like, 'this is not getting anywhere.' And the irony of that was that I said 'I have to get to work because otherwise nothing's gonna happen.' Now we're doing things and I'm like 'damnit, we didn't need Jiras – I thought we needed Jiras!'”

Henrik shares an example of toxic culture and really bad communication, talks about his experience as a hackathon facilitator, and why the lack of communication is the equivalent of failure.

”When we talk about collaboration, one of the things I often notice and get annoyed with is the mixup between the word 'collaboration' and 'cooperation'. For Christ's sake, a perpetrator could cooperate, you know. You could be a suspect cooperating with the police. That's not the same thing as collaborating. It's a totally different thing.”

About the mob session code challenge: If you're interested in trying it out yourself, we recommend Cyber-Dojo:


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