In this episode, we're moving away from philosophical and organizational discussions and into some nitty-gritty technical details: Monorepo (mono repository), a single repository that stores all of your code and assets for every project. So, what's the difference between a monorepo and a monolith? What are the pros and cons of going mono? When and why should you use a monorepo instead of split repositories? Acting as the devil's advocate, Henrik tries his best to throw the full-fledged monoist William off his game.

”I like the monorepo way of doing things together, solving issues once instead of in all these different repositories,” William bluntly states, also taking the opportunity to coin a new term: Multi-package repository.

”Multi-package repository is more accurate and self-explanatory. A mono repository sounds like you're taking the monorail and you don't really know it means.”

Show notes:

@telia/rush-select, William's nifty little tool to run multiple rush projects in one terminal.
Monorepos: Please don't! by Matt Klein.
Why Google Stores Billions of Lines of Code in a Single Repository.


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