“If you're not finding a way to make a good living, doing really hard work like that you're gonna burn out.” - Annie Schuessler


In this episode, Jay interviews Annie Schuessler, a San Francisco-based therapist and podcast host that founded Rebel Therapist, a business coaching practice that helps therapists break out of the traditional mindset and launch more dynamic private practices.  Jay and Annie explore topics such as money shaming, charging your worth, getting deliberate about client acquisition, being simultaneously brave and vulnerable in the face of entrepreneurship, evaluating the ROI of hiring a coach, and so much more....


Visit https://jayrooke.com/067-Annie-Schuessler/  for resources and show notes. 


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Episode Highlights:


01:49 Profitable and Helpful

05:49 Helping Others Flip Their Script

11:20 Calculating the Right Charges

19:46 Becoming Better Entrepreneurs

25:29 Dealing with Mindset Issues

37:02 The Rebel Therapist

43:30 Working with Coaches and Having ROI

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