In the third episode of the DARC Project Space Tender Circuits Podcast Series, DARC AR Project Coordinator Marisa Gallemit speaks with Helen Lam about NOW THAT I’M HERE and with  Vasuki Shanmuganathan about not all that glitters. 

Tender Circuits is an online exhibition of site-specific experiments with augmented reality. Using the concept of fungal intelligence as a springboard, our artists were asked to consider the connections of the mycelial system and to apply those fungal characteristics to community building, digital spaces and physical spaces. 

Presenting works by Galit Ariel, Pixie Cram, Erin Konsmo, Helen Lam, Kel MacDonald, Seth Thomson, Roberto Santaguida, Lauren Schaffer, Richard Moszka, and Vasuki Shanmuganathan. 

Click here to enter Tender Circuits. 

 Subscribe to the DARC Project Space Tender Circuits Podcast Series to meet all the artists! 

DARC Project Space is powered by the Digital Arts Resource Centre. 

 Produced by Nickie Shobeiry and CKCU with the help of Associate Producers Marisa Gallemit and Emilie Azevedo.

Hosted by Marisa Gallemit 

Recorded by Bob LeDrew, and Edward Jeanveau. 

Edited and mixed by Bob LeDrew and  Edward Jeanveau. 

Truth and Reconciliation Commission's 94 Calls to Action: 

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