Movies overview, 

Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace, American Pie, 10 Things I hate about you, Sleepy Hollow, Rushmore, Big Daddy, Hurricane, The Insider, The Green Mile,

10:35- Mystery Alaska

12:00 Being John Malchovic and Fight Club

12:55- South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut

14:50- The Boondock Saints

17:10- The Mummy

18:35- Toy Story 2

19:05- Election

20:05: Office Space

21:45; The Sixth Sense

23:30- The Iron Giant

24:35- Fight Club

25:10- The Matrix

Gabe's List

5. South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut

4. Fight Club

3. Election

2. Office Space

1. The Matrix

Logan's List

5. Being John Malcovic and Fight Club

4. The Matrix

3. Toy Story 2

2. The Sixth Sense

1. The Iron Giant

Kyle's List

5. Mystery Alaska

4. The Boondock Saints

3. The Mummy

2. The Matrix

1. Fight Club