Hi Everyone, 

I hoped to have better news to update, but we want to share that we've decided to discontinue recording. We had plans to record a proper final episode, but as things stand, we can't say when that would happen.

We tried very hard to keep things positive during the four years we recorded and I'd like to continue that, but I will say we've had some setbacks since the summer and our hiatus did go on longer than we anticipated. Unfortunately, because of the past few months of "life happens" it has made us realize we've lost the energy and enthusiasm needed to continue podcasting.

We'd like to thank everyone for your support and spending time with us over the last few years. It really means a lot to us and it was great to share our knitting and our "off topic" stories with you, connect here on Ravelry and meet some of you in person.

We'd also like to thank you for your understanding and patience since our last episode. The second half of this year hasn't been the smoothest and it has been very nice knowing there are those out there thinking of us.

We haven't ruled out doing an occasional episode in the future though. I like the idea of recording now and then while camping like we did at Noccalula Falls campground last year. Darren had a really good idea for a new project based format, so that might be fun to explore in the future as well.

I hope some of you will continue sharing photos and stories in the Nature and Knitting thread. The photos posted have really made me smile and I love adding to my places I'd love to visit list.

Like Darren has said, we'll always have a project on the needles!

Thanks again for everything! 

Aimee & Darren