Previous Episode: Episode 137: Upcoming MN Trip!
Next Episode: Episode 139: 3 FO's

No exciting jetsetting! I love that the travel was so easy and uneventful. Not fun for you, but so non stressful for me.


Traveled, worked on decorations, picked up our car for the weekend.


Painted, Cake Tasting, Menards trip, Sushi for bday, Dj meeting, Picked up Dress, Dropped off stuff for mom, Painted, met with officiant, painted some more


Walmart, Marriage License application, Met my mom's 3rd Grade class, toured mansions,  St. Cloud for hair bling, Caterer food tasting, more decorations at the venue, mom's for hair night while boys did tuxes and went out.


Breakfast with gparents, Then I thought lunch with other gparents, but i got a surprise Bridal shower!!!!!! It was so awesome!!! Then a hockey game in the evening!!!

Sunday: lunch with cousin, then travel back to Maine.  Great super awesome trip.

Back to work, last minute dentist appointment, first dress fitting went awesome!!  SO EXCITED!!