Episode #13: Lucky Number 13

Sorry for the huge file size and length, but you know us, we can talk everyone's ears off! We haven't recorded in awhile, so this one is a whopping 1 hour and 45 minutes. It is filled with all kinds of information like what we're knitting, hot German actors and nudists, Wollmeise colorways, spinning Q&A and a fun contest!

Check out our blog at: http://knittersuncensored.blogspot.com or write us an email at: KnittersUncensored (AT) gmail (DOT) com, or check out our group on Ravelry called "Uncensored Knitters"

Music: "Famous" by The Lascivious Biddies

Detailed show notes and polls can be found at the following URL: http://knittersuncensored.blogspot.com/