Episode #03: The One Which Must Not Be Named

It's time for Episode #03!!! Welcome to our (drunken) banters! :-p

Elemm got progressively drunk during the show, but we had great fun recording (and re-recording *Elemm's fault*)

Thank you: David Reidy, Brenda Dayne, Jenny & Nicole, Dharmafey

We digress and talk about toilets and toilet-drops *LOL*

One more weird fact from each of us

What's on our needles?

Life in Germany with Ms. B: German TV & going to the movies in Germany

Cashyie goes Dirndl Shopping

Benediktbeuern: Last-Call!!!Hank Wanker Group on FlickrKnitting socks for Billy Reid
Opening Music: Ms. B and her DHClosing Music: "One More Year at Hogwarts", Billy Reid (http://www.verytasteful.com/)You can find the detailed show note under the following URL:
