Knit 1 Geek 2 artwork

Episode 117: Just the Worst

Knit 1 Geek 2

English - October 17, 2017 03:01 - 1 hour - 91.6 MB - ★★★★★ - 54 ratings
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SIGNAL BOOST!  So it’s been a terrible couple months for a lot of people.  Hurricanes in the Caribbean, earthquakes in Mexico, wildfires in California, the Las Vegas shooting…2017 is the worst.  So there’s a lot of people who could use your help.  If you’d like to support those in need right now, check out the […]

SIGNAL BOOST!  So it’s been a terrible couple months for a lot of people.  Hurricanes in the Caribbean, earthquakes in Mexico, wildfires in California, the Las Vegas shooting…2017 is the worst.  So there’s a lot of people who could use your help.  If you’d like to support those in need right now, check out the following pages for some links to places where you can help.  And to all our listeners in the affected areas, if you have knitting patterns on Ravelry, put them in the Pimp Yourself thread on the Ravelry group, and if there’s another way we might be able to help, just let Maggie or I know.  We love you guys.

Business Insider’s list of places to donate for Hurricane Harvey, Irma and Maria relief

Vox’s list of places to donate to help victims of the Mexico earthquakes as well as Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria

GoFundMe’s Direct Impact Fund for California Wildfire Relief

More places to donate for California Wildfire victims from Time Magazine

GoFundMe Las Vegas Victims’ Fund


In Adventures in Knitting for this episode, Maggie’s finished her Kai Mei socks and sent them off to their recipient and is so close to finishing AdminMonkey’s sweater…except she might need more yarn.  Whoops.  She has also conquered the brioche!  Which means she’s figured it out, not that she’s actually working on a brioche thing right now because now that she knows how to do it after casting it on 6 times, she wants to see other projects.  She’s also been doing some weaving, and is actually on to a for realsies project!  She’s also gained another hobby (because of course that’s what she needs), painting gaming miniatures!

Karen, meanwhile, has ditched all the projects she was working on because she’d hit the doldrums with them.  So what helps with knitting ruts?  Casting on some Monkey socks, of course!  That doesn’t mean she isn’t working on something overly ambitious, as, um, she kind of decided to sew a costume for FanExpo liiike…ten days beforehand?  She also went on the TTC Knitalong since the last recording, which was awesome!  And exhausting, but also awesome!  Also, Karen will be at Rhinebeck this year!  Find her and give her hugs!

In Geek Squee, Maggie’s started watching a Geek & Sundry series about painting miniatures: Painters’ Guild!  Of course it doesn’t hurt that Matt Mercer was the first guest.  We’ve also found twitter user mazzmatazz who is crocheting amigurumi of the ENTIRE D&D Monster Manual, as well as the perfect instructions for D&D nerds to leave for those looking after their cats when they’re away, namely, in the form of a campaign.  In case you needed a rabbit hole to dive down, the British Library has digitized the entirety of Leonardo DaVinci’s sketchbook.  SO. AWESOME.  Also awesome?  OMG THE THIRTEENTH DOCTOR IS A WOMAN. WE ARE SO EXCITED.  Less exciting is James Cameron thinking we need his opinions about Wonder Woman.  Let’s just look at this adorable photoshoot of kids dressed as the Justice League, okay?  And there was also a solar eclipse.  Man, that feels like a long time ago.

In Cravings, Covets and Crushes, Karen has another newbie game review, this time of CRPG “Pillars of Eternity” which is SUPER ADDICTIVE.  And may feature some voices familiar to Critical Role fans. ;)  She’s also started doing some streaming of video games, which you can find on our YouTube channel!  You can find our Guide to Rhinebeck  periscope video from last year on our channel as well.  We’re also dying to get the Critical Role comic and art book.  BTW, the Japanese poster for Wonder Woman?  NEED A POSTER OF THAT, HELLO.  Also, it’s getting colder, so we have the Resist hat, to go with your resistance mittens from a few months ago.  There’s also a new store in Toronto called the Curiosa Society which is Harry. Potter.  Themed.  We need to make a road trip!  And finally, a new member of our knitting group has a podcast on YouTube called Spinning Woolly Yarns, so go check it out!

Anyone interested in a swap later this year/early next year?  Let us know!

Want to share your thoughts on the movies/tv/science geekery we’ve discussed, or found something geeky to share? Comment here at the blog, email us at [email protected] or participate in the thread on our Ravelry group!  Want to know when new episodes go live or see the occasional bit of news?  Check out our Twitter feed (@knit1geek2)!  And as always, we have merch in our and stores.