Previous Episode: Alas, in chains

The party descends into the Underdark of Subterra, and they find out more about their mission from the mysterious Drake Bloodmoon. Also, fog that makes you crazy. 

Featuring Jen Crespo as Diedre, Chris Daily as the DM, Jeff Frank as Theo,  Carlos Guzman as Yenni, Matt Messerman as Melbin, and Zach Stones as Igneous.


more KotRT on the web. All the links! 

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If you enjoy the show, PLEASE take a second to leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pandora, Google podcasts, Podbean, Stitcher, or whatever platform you listen on. We'd sure appreciate it and it helps more people find the show! 

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We have joined forces with the Geekly Grind to form, a webpage! Several in fact. Check out info about each season's characters, the cast, and now featuring an exclusive interview we did with @RogueSymbiote from the Geekly Grind! 

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Have feedback, fan-art or D&D questions? Please send them to  [email protected]

Theme music by Weston Gardner @arcaneanthems

Check out ARCANE ANTHEMS: Weston’s Patreon to get original music for your RPG campaign


Original Character Art by Chris Daily @dungeonheads  You can see all the art on our discord or instagram. 

Check out DUNGEONHEADS: Chris's Patreon to get free character art for your RPG campaign


Zach on Twitter @mftZach 

Jen on Twitter @Jstops185

Matt on Twitter @MattMesserman

Jeff on Twitter @FrankJeff

Chris on Twitter @Dungeonheads

Carlos on Twitter @Rufio_420

Now, go out and make life an Adventure!

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