In this episode we review the complex legacy of Richard William’s unfinished masterpiece by watching three films: The Thief and the Cobbler, The Recobbled cut, and Persistence of Vision, the powerful documentary that ties it all together. We also had the incredible opportunity to chat with Kevin Schreck creator of Persistence of Vision, and he shares some big thoughts and great anecdotes.  With such a hugely complex story there is a lot to talk about and we barely scratched the surface, so we’d love to hear what you thought too!


Be sure to watch Persistence of Vision while it’s still available, it really is a must see!

Chat with Kevin and the PoV team on Facebook: and on Twitter:


Links Mentioned:

The Thief and the Cobbler is available on Netflix, and the Recobbled cut can be found at:

You can see the unfinished version of Beauty and the Beast that we talk about on the diamond edition:

Dream Worlds – Production Design for Animation by Hans Bacher:


Seriously, we really want hear your thoughts and keep the conversation going!

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