PunkaTess & GeekFurious discuss GAME OF THRONES Season 6 in its entirety and many other GOT and A Song of Ice and Fire topics. This episode was recorded June 28th, 2016. Due to problems in the edit, it was abandoned and never released… until now! Consider some opinions may have changed in a year but […]

PunkaTess & GeekFurious discuss GAME OF THRONES Season 6 in its entirety and many other GOT and A Song of Ice and Fire topics. This episode was recorded June 28th, 2016. Due to problems in the edit, it was abandoned and never released… until now! Consider some opinions may have changed in a year but most of the opinions in this episode have not changed. Included below are notations of almost every major discussion and time of the discussion.

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Note the times of the discussion are noted below for your convenience:

Position Name

00:00:00;00 June 2017 Intro to a June 2016 Recording

00:00:15;26 Introductions (28 June, 2016)

00:01:40;06 We talk about the books & specifically A Feast for Crows

00:03:55;22 The Winds of Winter story show vs book

00:05:09;07 What will the book do the show did?

00:07:17;27 What sucks about Season 6? A book reader perspective.

00:08:36;00 Hardcore loyalists in the book, traitors on the show

00:08:58;02 Lyanna Mormont

00:09:59;28 Lazy writing + viewer intellect = Best season ever

00:11:51;21 GRRM cares to not write the story dumb as fuck

00:12:27;27 Angry morons love bad writing

00:16:32;20 Battle of the Bastards works because it’s not complicated

00:18:12;21 Show vs books vs story telling

00:19:44;08 Slaughter everyone

00:20:13;18 Season 6 finale music

00:21:49;11 Godfatheresque

00:22:34;07 CGI


00:30:44;05 Season 6 is D&D’s YouPorn 30 second video

00:37:02;01 D&D once intended to stick to the books

00:38:02;15 Arya’s Karate Kid training

00:38:39;24 Frey Pies

00:40:05;27 Yaddi Yadda the whole fuckin’ thing

00:40:20;04 Best finale

00:40:26;04 Sansa plays Littlefinger

00:40:35;04 Male nudity & telling people how to create

00:46:44;24 Female directors?

00:48:56;10 The problem with GOT and D&D now

00:49:36;11 George RR Martin no longer writes for the show

00:50:31;00 George CUT THEM OFF

00:52:46;24 Meereenese Knot Yaddi Yadda

00:53:25;13 Take Your Time George

00:54:02;01 George loves the fans

00:54:28;26 Don’t go to GRRM’s house

00:55:24;10 Everyone wants a selfie

00:56:23;02 Anybody can take a screenshot of it

00:56:35;29 What happens when one of those friends doesn’t like you anymore?

00:56:49;16 GAME OF THRONES Season 6 Episode by Episode Opinions

00:57:07;01 6.01 – The Red Woman

00:59:35;08 6.02 Home

01:02:46;22 6.01 and 6.02 Correction

01:04:17;23 We jump back to 6.02 Home

01:05:10;09 We don’t need Arya’s Luke training

01:05:39;21 Drunken Blind Master Shit

01:06:25;28 6.03 Oathbreaker

01:08:09;17 Fuck IMDB

01:08:20;08 6.04 Book of the Stranger

01:09:36;16 GRMM won’t do this…

01:11:05;07 D&D try to create their own phrases

01:12:39;29 6.05 The Door

01:13:27;12 Euron’s only good scene

01:13:44;16 Another mistake corrected

01:14:14;13 Show Kingsmoot makes no sense

01:15:12;13 Action sequence is cheesy

01:16:02;04 Terrible writing

01:16:12;18 D&D have to go on vacation so…

01:16:29;07 Sinister breathing

01:17:23;22 First Five Episodes

01:18:01;22 None of this will happen in the books… because George is not a cheesy little bitch

01:18:49;25 6.06 Blood of My Blood

01:19:02;15 Coldhands is not Benjen

01:20:12;22 Jon = Stannis and Young Griff

01:21:48;19 Sam’s family

01:24:09;29 Queen of Thorns giving orders

01:25:40;10 Terrible extras vs good extras

01:27:42;01 6.07 The Broken Man

01:29:24;27 D&D have to go on vacation

01:29:48;06 6.08 No One (worst episode of the season)

01:30:34;10 Half great, half terrible

01:32:52;23 YouTube action scene

01:33:40;20 6.09 Battle of the Bastards

01:36:34;20 Stupid people think Jon is stupid

01:37:06;18 That’s my brother!

01:37:19;11 There’s no fuckin’ logic in watching your brother die, you fucknuts

01:37:45;27 This is exactly within Jon’s character in book & show

01:37:58;19 Blame Davos you dopes

01:38:35;03 PunkaTess goes nuts

01:41:26;21 Sansa’s smile is dumb as shit

01:42:46;17 Season is fan service in between great acting

01:42:51;16 6.10 The Winds of Winter

01:43:13;05 OK, we’re gonna make an effort on this one!

01:47:07;00 Book Jon would do the right thing

01:47:39;27 A very GRRM moment

01:48:43;24 R+L=J

01:52:27;19 Dragon riders

01:53:00;24 Dragon imprint

01:54:54;11 King in the North

01:56:26;00 Fan Service 101

01:57:29;02 Frey Pies

01:58:53;14 Hand of the Queen

02:00:03;03 D&D are brilliant and everything they do is amazing

02:00:53;28 Long may she reign… fuck

02:01:43;24 Arya and the Mad Queen

02:02:06;20 Jaime prediction

02:07:05;10 No rape, no pillage

02:09:24;27 Season rankings

02:10:32;11 GOODBYE!

02:10:38;14 “It’s gonna come out in 2017” – Best Prediction

02:10:55;10 OUTTAKES