Alex and John are back to talk New York Knicks! This time the guys are joined by returning guest, Kris Pursiainen! Kris is the host of Draft Class for Knicks Film School, Studio Host for Fordham University's Women's Basketball team, and Broadcaster for WFUV Sports!

The guys discuss draft options for the Knicks and more!

The 2022 NBA draft class: 4:50
Knicks drafting at 11: 9:40
Knicks trading up for Jaden Ivey: 18:05
Knicks first round pick: 23:35
What if the Knicks trade down: 51:15
Knicks second round: 1:01:00
Knicks coaches and organization: 1:10:15

Make sure to follow our hosts, guest, and producer, Raisi Mobele - who made the beats - on Twitter (hit the hyperlinks):

Kris Pursiainen: @krispursiainen

John Meleka: @Jmeleka

Alex Trataros: @Traticaster101

Raisi Mobele: @RealDealRaisi_K 

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