Next Episode: Time Travel on TV

After a brief emotional Knee-Jerk reaction to the initial viewing of Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi we promised to come back and cover this in more detail so here we are doing a more analytical podcast on the entirety of the film.

The discussion shoots off in different directions such as class struggle, the importance of legacy and destiny and the way this film compares to other entries in the Star Wars franchise.

Craig, Angus and Natalie can all be found as writers on this very site as well as being avid contributors to many of the podcasts. Izaak can also be found on his Monster Adams Presents facebook page where he shares his artwork and comics.

Show Notes

Craig's review of The Force Awakens
Our The Force Awakens podcast
Craig's review of The Last Jedi
Our Knee-Jerk reaction podcast
Our Star Trek Into Darkness podcast
Our Thor: Ragnarok podcast
Our Christmas Showdown podcast
Wilrow Hood
Kyle Katarn
Star Wars Rebels reviews
Chelsea Corneau's cover of "Rey's Theme" and her YouTube channel
Ian Wright's Star Wars music Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3 and his YouTube channel
Natalie's Dog video can be found under the Howler's facebook page

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