Happy 30th Birthday Star Trek: The Next Generation

On September 28th, 1987; Star Trek: The Next Generation first appeared on American screens and a cultural phenomenon was born. It had a profound effect on countless people worldwide and numbers among history's most iconic TV Shows.

It also means a lot to members of the Kneel Before Pod team so this anniversary couldn't be allowed to pass by without some form of tribute being paid to it. Craig and Nick engaged in a detailed discussion about their feelings on the show. The discussion ran so long that it had to be split into two parts that can be selected above.

Craig can be found on this very site, Nick can be found on some earlier podcasts but is primarily known for the Star Trek fan series Intrepid.

Show Notes

Captain Jean Luc Picard
Commander William T. Riker
Counsellor Deanna Troi
Lieutenant Commander Data
Lieutenant Commander Geordi LaForge
Lieutenant Worf
Lieutenant Natasha Yar
Doctor Beverly Crusher
Doctor Katherine Pulaski
Wesley Crusher
Lieutenant Reginald Barclay
Captain Edward Jellico
Gul Madred
Commander Donatra
Commander Sela
Commander Tomalak
Tom Paris
Nicholas Locarno
Ensign Sito
Ensign Vorik
Ensign Taurik
Sam Lavelle
Worf's son Alexander
Ensign Sonya Gomez
Doctor Julian Bashir
Jadzia Dax
Captain Benjamin Sisko
Doctor Noonien Soong
Ensign Ro Laren
Chief Miles O'Brien
Captain Benjamin Maxwell
Captain James T Kirk
Doctor McCoy
Zefram Cochrane
Lily Sloane
Malcolm Reed
Thomas Riker
Star Trek (TOS)
Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (DS9)
Star Trek: Voyager (VOY)
Star Trek: Enterprise (ENT)
Star Trek: The Animated Series (TAS)
Star Trek movies
The Maquis
Star Trek: Armada
Riker's unique way of sitting down
Our Star Trek (2009) podcast
Our Star Trek Into Darkness podcast
Our Star Trek Beyond podcast
Our Star Trek 50th anniversary podcasts part 1, part 2 and part 3
Our Star Trek: First Contact podcast
Our Star Trek: Discovery podcasts 1, 2, 3 and 4
Star Trek: Phase II - "The Child"
The Star Trek: The Next Generation comic - "Hive"
The Picard Song
SamoStudios music and his YouTube channel
Captain_Meatshield's supplied music and his YouTube channel
Star Trek: First Contact Frozen parody

[caption id="attachment_1992222" align="aligncenter" width="398"] Jonathan Frakes as Captain America[/caption]

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