Previous Episode: Supergirl Season 2
Next Episode: Arrow Season 5

The DC TV Universe -sometimes referred to as the Arrowverse or the Berlantiverse- will soon return for another dose of superhero insanity. Before that happens; Kneel Before Pod just do a series of episodes on the previous seasons. Next up is DC's Legends of Tomorrow where Craig and Chris do a quick round-up of their thoughts on the season as a whole as well as their hopes and theories for next season. There may even be a few laughs along the way.

Craig can be found on this very site and Chris can also be found on a Sunday between 12 and 3pm GMT live on Black Diamond FM as well as on many of the previous podcasts.

Show Notes

Our two part midseason podcast
Our Supergirl season 2 podcast
Our The Flash season 3 podcast
Our DC Crossover podcast
Craig's DC Legends of Tomorrow season 2 reviews
George Lucas In Love
NStens1117's cover of the DC's Legends of Tomorrow theme,the Justice Society of America theme and his YouTube channel

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